+254 724 035 024

Our Services

Our primary focus is to provide digital services and exposure to businessess in the local communities. Some of our services are;

1. Digital Services

ick specializes in a range of services and trainings to help your business' brand. They include

2. Content Creation and Development

We help your business reach its target clients by producing content which include;

The various platforms we use include Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Websites. In these platforms, we help your brand create online visibility.

3. Community Mapping and Engagement

We help you mobilize, profile, connect, disseminate and engage with your clients through various means such as discussions and increasing information reach.

4. Social Events

We promote social cohesion through organizing social events to bring in brands together for economic, cultural, and social exchange. We identify strategic events for you to attend that align with your brand and the PR objective your brand has. These include expos, runways, cultural exhibitions, trade events, conferences, and talks.

5. We are Your Voice

ick for community works with designers, artisans, and creatives from from both refugee and marginalized groups for value addition and online brand creation by running active e-commerce. We help these brands tell their stories in an authentic way that talks of their values, history, and motivation. By generating written, video, audio (Podcast), and multi-media content we share this content through social media to get a wide range of audiences who can buy, promote or support these brands.

6. Translation

Brands that work with diverse multi-cultural groups need their audience to understand their messages and information.ick offers translation services to the following languages;

  1. French
  2. Turkana
  3. Arabic
  4. Swahili
  5. Kikuyu
  6. Germany

7. Social Media Management

ick uses social and digital media business tools to address various business objectives by;

8. Mentorship and Training

Building youth and women creative through mentorship and training in mass media and journalism.

9. Advocacy and Media Campaigns

Advocacy and campaigns to sensitize communities on different matters affecting them mainly climatic changes and environmental conservation.